Friday, January 14, 2011

Let There Be Light

So while the baby was doing this ...
and the girls were doing this...
the boys were busy
with their DSI (which I did not take a picture of because I do not condone video game playing on rare sunny days ;).

 I should've been
doing this...
but instead was doing this...

I will have my handyman approve it when he arrives home. Don't want a barn fire on my hands or anything.

But, pretty soon I expect to be seeing this...

It was a beauty of a day here. Here's to sunny days, long baby naps, and fresh eggs (fingers crossed). Happy Friday.


  1. Very sweet Elizabeth!

  2. You're hilarious. That one black and white photo looks just like Bob.

  3. I want to hold those babies! Wow, are they cute! Love you, Momma

  4. cute blog- thanks for the comment you left on mine. ")

  5. Just found you through Elaine. I just started homeschooling my son last week. It is a transition, but I feel peace about it. :O)
