When I was growing up, I loved being sick. Really. I have wonderful parents, but they were exceptionally wonderful to me when I was sick. Mother, ever health conscious (your would never find a box of cookies in
her cupboard, no ma'am), would fall all over herself to pamper us kids when we were down. What was usually limited to 10 minute showers became afternoon-long, hot soaks in bubble baths, and while we were sleeping she would steal away to the grocery only to come back with a brown paper sack filled with individual bottles of bubbly ginger-ale, cans of Cambell's Chunky soup, and ice cold strawberry ice cream. And it was
all about you. She would've made a great nurse (save for her aversion to blood, that is). Anyway, thanks Mom.
Today in our house, the baby is down with a fever, cold, congestion, yucky cough, up all night.You know the kind. Poor, sweet babe. So today, it is all about Charlotte (and of course MLK Jr ;) ) I had planned to do school today regardless of it being a holiday, but was not heartbroken to be able to call that off today. So after a quick lesson/review/discussion with the school kids about what Martin Luther King Jr. means to
them (Connor- "well if he hadn't been famous, he wouldn't have gotten himself shot, so I'm not going to be famous.") I mentally packed away that I need to re-discuss this with him at another time, tucked the baby into her crib in her cool-steam vaporized nursery, and set to work on some all natural cold/congestion,cough salve. Here's the recipe:
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup sweet almond oil
handful of dried peppermint (or 2 drops peppermint essential oil)
handful of dried rosemary (or 2 drops rosemary essential oil)
3-4 drops lavender essential oil
5-6 drops eucalyptus essential oil
heaping tablespoon of raw beeswax
If using dry herbs: (If using just essential oils, skip to step two)
1. In a double boiler throw the olive and almond oil in with the dry herbs and heat together for approx 1/2 hour. Strain oil through cheesecloth and set aside.
2. In a stainless steel pot, melt beeswax over low heat. Add the strained oil and essential oils and stir until mixed. Pour into a jar to cool/harden. I used a clear glass jar because that's what I had available. It's really better to use a dark colored storage container when working with essential oils to preserve their healing qualities.
Store salve in a cool dark place. Rub over chest, neck and you may put a little under your nose for added effect.
Use lightly on babies until you are sure they do not develop any adverse side effects (I've never had this problem). Similar to Vicks Vapo Rub, but milder, more pleasant and of course, natural. It really works to clear congestion and help you breathe easy. The added lavender has a calming effect. This smells so nice, I sometimes use it when I'm not sick, just for a pick-me-up.
Bee well ;)