Monday, February 9, 2015

Prayers For a Good Day

Already, I knew it was going to be one of those days. 
I sank down behind the quiet of a locked bedroom door and the first words that poured desperately from my mouth were, "Dear Lord Jesus, please, please let this be an easy day."  

But even as they left my mouth, I knew these were the wrong words. Because in this stage of life, and in many other seasons as well, there really are no easy days. But there can always be good days.

So what came to me instead was really what I needed:

Let my prayer be for a joyful attitude. Joy for all that surrounds me, even messes. Lego messes, food messes, laundry messes, school messes, relationship messes, heart messes. All.

For patience and strength, and the wisdom to know that adversity makes me stronger and wiser, sometimes crazier, but always more dependent on Him.

For character humble and meek. Knowing that it's not always my will that's best.

For wisdom. And everyday knowing that any small victory won or lost is not necessarily an indication of my parenting ability.

For self-control. Strength to harness both my thoughts and my actions. And to quiet my tongue especially.

And lastly and most definitely, thankfulness- for it all.



  1. I love your beautiful heart and amazing family. Praying for you today and every day.

  2. It's great to see you back blogging! I've hardly written after our big move, but so enjoy catching up with your family. Enjoy those little ones~ they really will soon be big ones:)

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to catching up on your lovely blog as well :). I wasn't aware you'd moved too! A big move followed by a new baby kinda took the wind out of my sail, but I'm happy to be back at it. Baby steps :) God bless!
